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10 Social Media Strategy Dos and Donts to Amplify your Online Presence

Join the Canada-UK Chamber of Commerce and Steve Mills for this webinar discussing Social Media Amplification takeaways for business leaders.

16:00 - 17:00

  • Objective for today
  • Why have a profile is simply not good enough
  • What the world-class marketing experts are saying
The Do's of Social Media
  • Lots of posting
  • Communicate with other people's posts
  • Develop a system for winning clients
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Use video to increase conversions
  • Grow your list
  • Develop relationships
  • Know your numbers
  • Use groups
  • Use live events
The Don'ts of Social Media
  • Do what most people/businesses do
  • Play at it
  • Think a particular site is great, but the others are not for us
  • Be afraid to invest money once you have proof of concept
  • Be afraid to use technology
Steve is going to show you how to produce 40 social media posts including writing them and designing them in less than 5 minutes.

Programme at a glance

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