Maximise your membership benefits.
Here are some ideas:

Contact Members

Stay in touch with Canadian businesses in the UK, as well as the British business community interested in Canada. Meet members in person at events, electronically via our directories, or via an introduction courtesy of the Secretariat.

Member Referrals

We refer non-member trade and investment queries to our Member Services page. Consider a listing on this page and ensure your corporate contact details remain up-to-date.

Directory of Members

Members receive a free copy listing fellow members with contact details in hard and soft copy. We also have a Members’ Area on our website. Consider an enhanced profile and advertising in our Directory.

Corporate Lists

Members can purchase corporate lists at member rates containing details of over 1,200 companies. Adverts in our Directory are automatically included in our Corporate lists. These lists are not available to non members.

Contributing Articles

We circulate two e-newsletters per month with a sector focus. Members can contribute a free article with their contact details for readers. Members can additionally sponsor an
e-newsletter edition, a page or advertise with us.

FAQ Sheets

The Chamber produces FAQ sheets on investing in Canada and the UK, as well as other topic areas. The latest updated editions are available free to members. Sponsorship of the FAQs can be agreed.

Event Participation

Co-host, sponsor or speak at an event at one of our business networking events. Alternatively, you may have a speaker suggestion, possibly a client, that would be available to address our membership. We can send through details of our Admin rates for events.

Event Attendance

Our portfolio of events include 45+ yearly business networking breakfasts, evenings, workshops, seminars, lunches and dinners. Many members bring existing and potential clients to these events. Forthcoming events are listed and confirmed on our website.

Survey Sponsorship

Members can sponsor a Chamber survey or questionnaire. For example, a survey of what Canadian businesses in the UK or British businesses in Canada think on various topics such as the credit crunch; Brexit; the ease of conducting business in the UK/Canada.

Member Offers

Members may choose to make discounted offers to other members and non members (M2M Offers) which can be advertised in our publications, or communicated via emailshots. Contact the Chamber for our latest M2M Offers and emailshot advertising rates.

Forums & Committees

The Chamber’s corporate members are drawn from a wide variety of sectors, and we have the following 14 forums and 2 committees. We welcome member representatives to participate in our Chamber forums. Please contact the Chamber CEO to discuss further.

FAQ Sheets

Charter members can nominate a representative to serve on our Board. The Governance Committee will vote to approve the nomination and, if approved, will nominate to the Board for its approval. Thereafter members vote at AGM to approve an in-year appointment to the Board.